Medical Equipment Sales Career

Hospitals require a lot of medical equipment so their patients can be treated. Monitors, respirators, bed, computers are just a few of them and given that they will need a lot of these, you can make money earning sales commissions by have a sales career in medical equipment.

Your clients as a sales agent include not only new hospitals under construction but also old ones as they also need to upgrade their facilities. There are also private and public clinics which you can visit and all you have to do is set up an appointment with whoever is in charge with their purchasing.

Whenever you meet with them, you have to show not only pictures of your products but also the real thing. At times, you may even have to leave a few with them so they can try it out. To make your presentation look impressive, you can even create or have someone make a computer generated presentation.

Explaining the features and advantages of the medical equipment your company is selling is just one aspect. You should also be ready to answer questions that they may ask. For that, you should ask yourself, if you were a doctor, what would you want to know about the product? Then practice how you will answer them by doing mock up sales presentation.

How do you know if the purchaser will buy the medical equipment you have or tell you they are not interested? The best indicator is how they respond both verbally and non-verbally. If they express interest by asking how many do you have or when this can be delivered, you know you have made a sale. Another indicator is if they have a smile on their face or nod their head.

Once you see these signals, it is time to close the deal. You can ask directly how many do they want and then tell them when these will be delivered. It also wouldn’t hurt to throw in some freebies to the deal so they know they are getting a good bargain buying the medical equipment from you instead of a competitor.

If ever they are not ready to make a decision, give them some time to think about it and then pay them a visit or call a few days later. You have to remember that medical equipment costs a lot of money even if they buy just one or two and they will probably have to review their budget.

Whatever happens, don’t forget to thank them for their time in seeing you. Who knows, they may not be interested in getting medical equipment from you now but if they are not happy with what they purchased from a competitor, they may decide to go back to you in the future.

Should they buy from you, don’t forget to also follow up on how the medical equipment is doing. This will give you the chance to check if they are satisfied with your product and if they are interested in buying more or something else in your catalog.

Hospitals need medical equipment and medicine to treat patients who are admitted. By doing your share as a sales agent, you contribute to their comfort when they have to undergo surgery or have to be confined there for a few days.


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